It’s been a while since I made a post here but I could not pass up this study. I read about it from Dr. Layne Norton.
The study can be found here.
The study is with respect to type 2 diabetics but can apply to everyone. What this study found was that the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet did not matter in terms of response to dietary management. In English? Even in type 2 diabetics as long as you don’t eat TOO MUCH food then it doesn’t really seem to matter what that food consists of. Sugar, therefore, is not the enemy. Same as fats aren’t the enemy. There is no poisonous macronutrient. The real poison is overindulgence.
For type 2 diabetics there was a slightly better improvement in HbA1c numbers with a low carb diet, but weight management didn’t change in any group.
Adding more towards to argument that how much you eat matters more than what you’re eating when it comes to weight management. So don’t hate carbs because you’re a keto person. Don’t hate keto because you’re a carb cycler.
About the author : Zach
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