I recently read a great article on a site I follow that talked about whole eggs or not for the most muscle building. I definitely suggest you go check out the article Here, and be ready for a thick read.
Let me super briefly summarize an already summary of a bunch of data.
There were 10 TRAINED MEN in a cross over study. This means that the same people did both the with yolk and without yolk diets. In a nut shell (or egg shell?) the whole egg consumption showed a %40+ rate of myfibrillar protein synthesis – that’s contractile protein in the muscle! However in both cases of with or without egg whites there was an equal amount of mTOR and leucine in the blood. Two things that have been buzz words in regards to hypertrophy as of late.
The study did not offer much to the reason as to WHY this extra muscle building was apparent, but the thought was that it was caused by, “‘extra nutritional food constituents.” Which is to say it’s likely because of the, “other stuff,” in the yolk like enzymes and micro nutrients.
Cool… But what does that mean for those of us looking for some more muscle!?
If you’re dieting and trying to keep fats and a minimal level then I could see avoiding too many yolks. However even in that light, I think that there’s a strong case that the small amount of fats you would want while dieting should come from egg yolks! Unless you’re a keto-er, in which case, yolk up!!
Eat your eggs whole whenever possible is I think the best was to say it all! I know the next thought will be, “but my doctor says to avoid all the cholesterol.” Go check out This article or This Article for more info, both of which are just the first two google hits on the topic.
Eat Eggs! Whole!
About the author : Zach
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