Ok, today I’m doing a small public service announcement for everyone who seems to be just trying to train their glutes. I want to educate the masses a little. Because I swear I’m about ready to lose it every time I see someone use a hip abduction machine like this:

(I searched “Instagram Hip Abduction Machine,” and this came right up…
People, please don’t just copy videos you see on the internet because
that person has a bodypart you admire.)

So I’m going to throw some science at this one! Are you trying to pick yourself a new exercise for your glutes but your only pool of info is Instagram idiots like the one posted above? Then I have just the study for you!

In this study they attached EMG to 18 spots across the hips/glutes and had young athletes go through a host of hip exercises. After gathering all the data exercises were ranked based on their activation of different muscles in the glutes. All the tables are very visible in the study and I encourage you to read right through it. If all the science jargon is too much then just click the photos and you’ll get the list of exercises.

You can read it here.

Similarly, but with less participants and less exercises:

Here’s another glute study.

I hope this gives anyone who reads this a better idea of what exercises work what part of the hips, instead of just guessing at exercises haphazardly from Instagram posts. And if you do need more clarification then please contact me and I will keep helping you!

Now go forth and grow those glutes… With SCIENCE! (lol, I had to.)

About the author : Zach

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