I couldn’t help but post about this when I saw it. It is absolutely fascinating, but also in my mind, it’s somewhat obvious.
I think everyone knows someone with a peanut allergy. We all remember not being allowed to bring some kind of peanut product because of that one kid with an deadly allergy. These peanuts are essentially a deadly poison to those with an allergy. It’s important to explain that an allergy is just that, your body lacking the ability to break down and fight this foreign toxin and the system suffers cataclysmic failure because of it.
Researchers hypothesized that if the body had enzymes for this foreign toxin that the body would then be able to tolerate it. Which again makes sense. There are some people on this planet who are immune to venomous snake venom. Their resistance came from coming in contact with a very small dose of venom. Not enough to kill, but enough to induce an immune response. Repeat this process over and over, slowly increasing the dose, and you end up immune to this poison.
Researchers tried the same thing with peanuts… AND IT WORKED!
Read an article here
Read the actual study here
Anecdotally I have a client who’s friend has started to do this with their child with amazing results. The science makes sense, and the results seem to follow. I give it only a few more years and we will have peanut allergies kicked. So hang tight those of you with an allergy, there may still be an answer coming!
About the author : Zach
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